Events for

– 15:30

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary’s, Halesworth DTSTART:20241214T100000Z DTEND:20241214T153000Z DTSTAMP:20241129T160459Z UID:20241214T100000-17178-ChristmasTreeFestivalatStMary’sHaleswort DESCRIPTION:Come and see the Festival, from 14 December to 6 January (Twelfth Night). There are always a variety of trees: some are witty, others look good, some are heart-warming. All are interesting! LOCATION:St. Mary's Church, Steeple End, Halesworth IP19 8LL ORGANIZER:St. Mary's Church STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary’s, Halesworth

Venue: St. Mary's Church, Steeple End, Halesworth IP19 8LL link
Come and see the Festival, from 14 December to 6 January (Twelfth Night). There are always a variety of trees: some are witty, others look good, some are heart-warming. All are interesting!
To know more about Halesworth or for accommodation in the area go to
– 17:00

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Candlelit Service of Carols and Readings, at Walpole Old Chapel DTSTART:20241214T140000Z DTEND:20241214T160000Z DTSTAMP:20240709T113759Z UID:20241214T150000-16314-CandlelitServiceofCarolsandReadingsatWalpo DESCRIPTION:This afternoon this atmospheric Grade II* listed building, once a farmhouse but with a long history as a non-conformist meeting house as evidenced by its superb interior, welcomes you to a candlelit Carol Service. Led by Rev'd Bill Mahood. Followed by mince pies and mulled apple juice. All Welcome. There are toilet facilities. Limited car parking opposite the Chapel. LOCATION:Walpole Old Chapel, Halesworth Road (B1117), Walpole IP19 9AZ ORGANIZER;CN=Walpole Old STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Candlelit Service of Carols and Readings, at Walpole Old Chapel

Organised by: Walpole Old Chapel
Venue: Walpole Old Chapel, Halesworth Road (B1117), Walpole IP19 9AZ link
This afternoon this atmospheric Grade II* listed building, once a farmhouse but with a long history as a non-conformist meeting house as evidenced by its superb interior, welcomes you to a candlelit Carol Service. Led by Rev'd Bill Mahood. Followed by mince pies and mulled apple juice. All Welcome. There are toilet facilities. Limited car parking opposite the Chapel.
To know more about Halesworth or for accommodation in the area go to
– 19:30

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:SANTA SPECIAL at Steamworks DTSTART:20241214T160000Z DTEND:20241214T193000Z DTSTAMP:20241027T125611Z UID:20241214T160000-SANTASPECIALatSteamworks DESCRIPTION:Miniature train rides, Shop and Cafe. Taking place on Saturdays 7th and 14th December. BOOKING ESSENTIAL - limited availability. Ride the miniature railway to Santa's Grotto. LOCATION:STEAMWORKS, Blyth Road, Southwold IP18 6AZ ORGANIZER:Southwold Railway Trust STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
SANTA SPECIAL at Steamworks

Organised by: Southwold Railway Trust
Venue: STEAMWORKS, Blyth Road, Southwold IP18 6AZ link
Miniature train rides, Shop and Cafe. Taking place on Saturdays 7th and 14th December. BOOKING ESSENTIAL - limited availability. Ride the miniature railway to Santa's Grotto.
Ticket Details: Details to come
Who to Contact: 01502 725422
To know more about Southwold or for accommodation in the area go to