Events for

– 12:00

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Winter Wildfowl, at RSPB Minsmere DTSTART:20250116T100000Z DTEND:20250116T120000Z DTSTAMP:20241231T175604Z UID:20250116T100000-17268-WinterWildfowlatRSPBMinsmere DESCRIPTION:Ducks dominate the Minsmere wetlands in winter as thousands arrive from the Arctic to seek shelter on the Scrape. Join our expert guides as they help you to spot tiny Teals, whistling Wigeons and gorgeous Gadwalls. Search too, for geese, swans and wading birds. All ticket prices include reserve entry fees and a hot drink in the cafe after the walk. LOCATION:RSPB Nature Reserve, Minsmere IP17 3BY ORGANIZER; STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Winter Wildfowl, at RSPB Minsmere

Organised by: RSPB
Venue: RSPB Nature Reserve, Minsmere IP17 3BY link
Ducks dominate the Minsmere wetlands in winter as thousands arrive from the Arctic to seek shelter on the Scrape. Join our expert guides as they help you to spot tiny Teals, whistling Wigeons and gorgeous Gadwalls. Search too, for geese, swans and wading birds.
All ticket prices include reserve entry fees and a hot drink in the cafe after the walk.
Ticket Details: £4.50 - £27.50 (Non-RSPB members welcome). See
Who to Contact: Email or phone on 01728 648281
To know more about Walberswick or for accommodation in the area go to

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Tour of Holy Trinity Church, Blythburgh DTSTART:20250116T100000Z DTEND:20250116T225959Z DTSTAMP:20240709T113759Z UID:20250116T110000-16383-TourofHolyTrinityChurchBlythburgh DESCRIPTION:Taking place regularly on Thursday mornings. These popular general interest tours are provided by a local resident. Children are welcome, but they must be accompanied by an adult throughout the tour. If you’d like to join a tour you can just turn up. LOCATION:Holy Trinity Church, Blythburgh IP19 9LL ORGANIZER:Holy Trinity Church STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Tour of Holy Trinity Church, Blythburgh

Venue: Holy Trinity Church, Blythburgh IP19 9LL link
Taking place regularly on Thursday mornings. These popular general interest tours are provided by a local resident. Children are welcome, but they must be accompanied by an adult throughout the tour. If you’d like to join a tour you can just turn up.
Ticket Details: Free event, no booking required.
Who to Contact: Call or text Colin on 0750 8888 460
To know more about Blythburgh or for accommodation in the area go to

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Thursday Book Talk, with author Michael Bartlett DTSTART:20250116T143000Z DTEND:20250116T235959Z DTSTAMP:20241229T173725Z UID:20250116T143000-17235-ThursdayBookTalkwithauthorMichaelBartlett DESCRIPTION:Join us for an afternoon in conversation with author Michael Bartlett. Norfolk-based Michael has been a writer for over 50 years, and his latest novel, 'Mr Redmon’s Mending Day', a tender story about love, loss and a long-awaited family reunion, is out now. Michael will be talking with us about his journey as a novelist as well as his previous work in TV, radio and theatre. Please let Halesworth library staff know if you'll be attending either in person or on 01986 875095. LOCATION:Halesworth Library, Bridge Street, Halesworth IP19 8AB ORGANIZER:Friends of Halesworth Library STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Thursday Book Talk, with author Michael Bartlett

Organised by: Friends of Halesworth Library
Venue: Halesworth Library, Bridge Street, Halesworth IP19 8AB link
Join us for an afternoon in conversation with author Michael Bartlett. Norfolk-based Michael has been a writer for over 50 years, and his latest novel, 'Mr Redmon’s Mending Day', a tender story about love, loss and a long-awaited family reunion, is out now. Michael will be talking with us about his journey as a novelist as well as his previous work in TV, radio and theatre.
Please let Halesworth library staff know if you'll be attending either in person or on 01986 875095.
Ticket Details: Entry free - donations welcome. Please confirm your attendance with Halesworth library staff in person or phone 01986 875095.
Who to Contact: Please confirm your attendance with Halesworth library staff in person or phone 01986 875095.
To know more about Halesworth or for accommodation in the area go to
– 17:00

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Change and Continuity in the English Manor Court over Five Centuries A review and a Suffolk case study DTSTART:20250116T143000Z DTEND:20250116T170000Z DTSTAMP:20241229T181314Z UID:20250116T143000-17239-ChangeandContinuityintheEnglishManorCourto DESCRIPTION:Presented by Southwold Museum and Historical Society as part of their Winter Lecture series. Doors open at 2:30pm for 3pm start. With Professor Christopher Briggs who studied History in Oxford and later specialised in the social and economic history of late-medieval England. He is Fellow and Director of Studies in History at Selwyn College, Cambridge. All very welcome. All proceeds support the Southwold Museum & Historical Society. LOCATION:Stella Peskett Millennium Hall, Mights Rd, Southwold IP18 6BE ORGANIZER:Stella Peskett Millennium Hall STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Change and Continuity in the English Manor Court over Five Centuries: A review and a Suffolk case study

Venue: Stella Peskett Millennium Hall, Mights Rd, Southwold IP18 6BE link
Presented by Southwold Museum and Historical Society as part of their Winter Lecture series. Doors open at 2:30pm for 3pm start. With Professor Christopher Briggs who studied History in Oxford and later specialised in the social and economic history of late-medieval England. He is Fellow and Director of Studies in History at Selwyn College, Cambridge. All very welcome. All proceeds support the Southwold Museum & Historical Society.
Ticket Details: £5 for members, £8 for non-members.
To know more about Southwold or for accommodation in the area go to