March sees Mothering Sunday as well as the clocks going forward - a definite sign of Spring! Lots to look forward to as flora and fauna welcome Spring arriving in north-east Suffolk. Come and explore!

Notes on the Bulcamp Oddity

Notes on the Bulcamp Oddity

Notes on the Bulcamp Oddity at Blythburgh

The Bulcamp OddityThis unusual structure is set into the embankment on the east side of the A145, just north of the A145/A12 junction near Blythburgh.

Seating for two, the Bulcamp OddityLocated approximately halfway between Blythburgh and Bulcamp (grid ref: TM450762) it perhaps gives the appearance of an uncomfortable bus shelter. However, as it is believed to date from the mid-1800s the wait for a bus would surely have proved intolerable and may account for the belief that it is haunted.

Another suggestion is that it was indeed a shelter, but for those whose journey to the nearby Bulcamp Workhouse (a 'House of Industry' dating from the 1700s, now a private residential complex) meant that their arrival was after the House had closed for the night. Surely though, this structure is much too small to linger in.

Perhaps clues to its purpose lie in references to the Tollgate, or Turnpike, Cottages which stood nearby, just down the hill, but on the opposite side of the road. Was the structure in some way associated with the Turnpike road?

Or again, perhaps it should be noted that the land lying behind the structure is named 'Springhill', and, on a walkers' map, this stretch of road is named 'Springhole Lane'. Perhaps the structure marks the site of an ancient spring, now no longer in evidence.

Article by Eileen Heaps, photos by Tim Heaps

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Some Favourite Websites For March 2025:

Stoneware BirdsLife-sized handmade and unique British birds, now available to buy online.

A charming unique gift or a treat for oneself. See the website to know how each one is made. Now available to buy online. Each bird is an individual creation, varying in choice from the perky wren to the plump bullfinch together with other well-loved British birds. Which will you choose?

Andy Seedhouse BoatsAndy Seedhouse Boats, Woodbridge - Boat Sales

A friendly and professional family-run business with an old-fashioned approach to customer service, located on the picturesque waterfront at Woodbridge on the River Deben. From dinghies and day boats to fishing boats and yachts, and even including liveaboard boats too, Andy brings his many years of experience in helping his customers buy and sell. Also chandlery, trailers, etc.

Walberswick FerryOffering river trips as well as special occassion bookings

Climb aboard the launch Daybreeze and follow the River Blyth towards Blythburgh through Walberswick Nature Reserve - an Area of Outstanding National Beauty.

Waveney WholesaleSuppliers of toys, novelties, giftware, china, housewares, pet items, beach goods and so much more

Established Halesworth-based suppliers with over 3000 lines stocked. On-line ordering or call and collect.

George Borrow TrustExplore about the well travelled 1800s poet George Borrow

The George Borrow Trust aims to advance the education of the public in the life and works of George Borrow in particular, by means which preserve, exhibit and study his writings and works and other material objects connected with or tending to perpetuate his memory or to throw light on his life and work.